Supercharge Your Results 

Ignite Your Impact

A virtual programme for directors working in complex, technical organisations.

Ensure you have a clear framework to achieve your goals and confidently overcome frustrating barriers to progress in this results-focussed 12-week virtual programme

Supercharge Your Results

The programme tackles the six primary reasons that senior leaders struggle to get the outcomes they need. It is based on scientific principles and provides proven frameworks and processes that deliver results.

This transformational package includes self-study modules, small group workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions, all delivered virtually to fit seamlessly into senior leaders' busy schedules.

Why join the programme?

  • To establish a clear framework that will enable you to achieve your goals with focus, confidence and measurable outcomes
  • To overcome barriers to progress for yourself and your organisation
  • To get things back on track when they have stalled or when you have lost a sense of clear direction 
  • To refine, update and refresh your leadership skills so that you confidently deliver stretching personal & business goals 

"Six months ago I would not have considered taking on my new role in a global firm - and the fact that I have is a direct result of my work with Heather on this programme."

Managing Partner, Civil Engineering 

At the end of the 12 weeks you can expect: 

  • To have clarity about your goals and a manageable framework on how to deliver the outcomes you need and want 
  • To have made measurable progress in moving things in the direction you want to go 
  • To have clear boundaries in place so that you are becoming more in control of the right things and are getting better at letting go of those that are not adding value 
  • To have tools to build and maintain the resilience that is needed to deal with both the everyday and unexpected pressures that are an inevitable part of a senior role 
  • To be confident responding effectively to anyone who undermines you - either purposely or by accident - so that their impact doesn't derail your success 
  • To be more grounded in your career and life as a whole, knowing that things are going in the right direction for you 

Over the past 2 decades, I've found the same six common obstacles that hold back leaders' success.  

Each module is designed to show you the proven, strategic frameworks to overcome these restrictive barriers and replace them with a clear, actionable plan that delivers the outcomes you need and want:


Module 1: The Fundamentals

How to change the unhelpful beliefs that are getting in the way of your success so that you see improved results straight away without having to work hard to get there.

Harnessing Confidence

Module 2: Harnessing Confidence

How to easily harness the five proven sources of director-level confidence so that you get maximum impact immediately without wasting time and energy implementing false promises or half-baked ideas.

Setting Boundaries

Module 3: Setting Boundaries

How to say no and set boundaries so that you manage burgeoning workloads and stress levels without risking people thinking that you can’t cope.

Blocking Negativity

Module 4: Blocking Negativity

How to manage people who contradict or undermine you so that they can’t get under your skin without having to confront or challenge them directly.

Managing Complexity

Module 5: Building Resilience to Manage the Complexity

How to build resilience and manage the complexity that is an integral part of your role so that you feel excited and positively challenged without feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope ever again.


Module 6: Influencing

How to challenge influential stakeholders so that you can break through barriers that are currently holding you back without damaging relationships.

"I was preparing to move myself - and my family - from the UK to the US in order to take on a new, bigger global role. I had to set up a new division, build a new team, create a new network and deliver  challenging results. I was excited and ready for the move and wanted to be sure I had everything in place to deliver what was needed. I've achieved those goals now, and this programme gave me the framework to do so. I continue to work with Heather as I prepare for my next big career move - and then to  build my plan to achieve my ultimate goal of moving into a CEO role."

VP Global Engineering - Energy Sector

What's included

  • Preparatory analysis questionnaires so that you get really clear about the goals that you want to achieve from this programme
  • 90-minute online virtual workshops over the course of the 12-week programme so that you have time to apply learning and get immediate results
  • 6 x 1:1 coaching sessions scheduled at a time to suit you to allow you to work in-depth on your biggest challenges
  • Access to our online library so that you can review all content at your own pace and at a time that works for you
  • Just six people per group so that you build a strong network with like-minded leaders so that you learn from one another
  • Regular reviews of progress against your goals so that you ensure you stay on track

"As a Director with over 30 years' experience in business, I joined this programme because I was unclear about my career direction and I wanted to refresh my thinking and approach around leadership at top levels.

The programme provided invaluable frameworks. I now have a clear understanding of what I'm doing and why it's working. I'm now far more intentional in how I operate in complex business environments and this means I'm getting better results. I'm better prepared for meetings because I have a structure that delivers the outcomes I need.

I have the clarity I needed about where I am going with my career and how I see that developing over the next few years.
I have already recommended this programme for other leaders within my organisation."

Procurement & Supply Chain Director, Construction 

Ready to supercharge your results and ignite your impact?