A Simple Step That Will Make Your Communication Far More Effective

By Heather Campbell

So last weeks blog was all about installing the habit of changing your thinking in conversations, and approaching them with an ‘interest and learning’ frame of mind. How have you been getting on with this?

Whilst they take minimal effort and time to realise, you will need some self-discipline to get results, so keep at it!

Now, on to the second keystone habit that will help you to super-charge business results by attaining the one superpower that every leader needs – being a super communicator.

Get Your Communications Off to The Best Possible Start

At the start of any communication – one-to-one, meeting, email, phone call – explain two things:

  • What you are communicating about
  • Why you are communicating about it

Getting into the habit of doing these two things starts a powerful chain reaction. Here are just some of them:

First, you will get really clear about the purpose of the communication. Far too often, we start to communicate with a vague idea of what we want to share and why. It’s not surprising that many interactions don’t really get to the right place!

Other people will also be clear about the purpose of the communication. It’s amazing how often people will engage in a whole interaction and not really know what it’s about because you haven’t made it clear and they haven’t wanted to ask.

Next, people will be able to engage more effectively because they are clear about the purpose of the communication and why it matters.

So, you’ll save time because you’ll get into the ‘real’ conversation more quickly.

You’ll find it’s easier to keep the conversation on track too because you can easily refer people back to the purpose of the interaction when, inevitably, unhelpful tangents creep in.

Clarity Doesn’t Mean There’s No Room For Small Talk

One small point here. Sometimes leaders are concerned that starting with ‘what’ and ‘why’ means there is no room for small talk. This isn’t the intention at all. Feel free to engage in small talk if that works for you and others involved.

The clarity around ‘what’ and ‘why’ applies when the rubber hits the road and you are ready to get to the point of the engagement.

Before you start your next conversation today, pause and ask yourself those two key questions.

Begin from that point. Keep it brief and combine it with the intention to listen with interest and learning. Then watch your communication move to a whole new level.

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