CommsMasters Insights The prospect of ‘giving feedback’ can make even the most confident of leaders stumble over their words or struggle to articulate what needs to be said. A recent Gallup poll found that 69% of senior managers have difficulty communicating, and 37% find it hard to give negative feedback. [1] In our experience, issues with feedback don’t just arise where a leader needs to communicate what isn’t going well – it can also be hard to tell someone they ...

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I recently went on a touring holiday with a friend where I did most of the driving. On the first day, I discovered that this particular friend is a real back-seat driver – and doesn’t even realise it! From which route to take, to the speed we were going, when to indicate or switch lanes, I found myself waiting for comments about what I was doing. As a result, I found myself double- checking and second-guessing everything, even though I ...

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Cultural evolution is essential for the success of any organisation. The ability to flex and redefine culture underpins an organisation’s ability to future-proof for changing markets, different customers and new generations of employees. The right culture provides competitive advantage that can be consistently leveraged over time. That’s why senior leaders are so interested in it – culture is a true differentiator that can’t be copied. What’s more, it has a direct impact on the bottom line. In this week’s insight, ...

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I want to start by busting a myth about communication skills.  Something I hear regularly is this idea that communication skills are simply ‘soft’ skills, and therefore don’t have a tangible impact on an organisation’s bottom line. I couldn’t disagree with this more! In this insight, I aim to well and truly bust this myth, by sharing examples from my own experience together with some hard numbers which together reveal the cost of bad communication skills in your organisation. Poor ...

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Introduction One thing organisations truly covet is an engaged workforce. Often described as the ‘holy grail’, genuinely engaged employees are proud to work for their organisation and feel they are a vital part of the business. They are more productive, boosting performance by going the extra mile and inspiring people around them. This is great news for business leaders wondering how to achieve more with (apparently) less. There is a wealth of untapped, valuable resource at your fingertips. All you ...

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One of the top issues operational leaders seek my help with is getting their people to take on more accountability. Many leaders I speak to are simply not fulfilling their potential because they are working one level or more below their job role – they are filling the accountability gaps as they can’t get people to step up. Is this because they have employed people who can’t or won’t do their jobs, or is something else going on? In my ...

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