Leading Change? The Hidden Key For Success

By Heather Campbell

It’s already arrived in Glasgow – the start of a new school year.

The courage to face the first day saying goodbye at the school gates; the nervous anticipation of moving into senior school with the big boys and girls; anxiety and excitement at a significant exam year ahead. For parents and kids, it’s a big deal.

Since I don’t have to wave my dogs off to school, I’m doing my best to hold on to the summer vibe for as long as possible.

It ‘s a time of change but that doesn’t mean the same for everyone.

One of the things that has struck me most when working with organisations and individuals going through change is that change is always personal. Change happens when each individual moves – literally or metaphorically – from position A to position B. When enough individuals move, you get organisational change.

It isn’t the organisation that changes first though, it’s the people – one-by-one.

In the busy-ness of change, leaders can easily forget this.

They plan their communications from the organisation-wide perspective. This means that they mistakenly:

  • Plan blanket communications – one message that is meant to appeal at all levels and across all functions.
  • Focus on the impact of the change on the organisation, not on the individuals who will make the change a reality.
  • Plan the change from a rational perspective without taking account the personal impact on people.

But real change isn’t achieved through Gannt charts, project plans and deliverables. We need these, of course, but ignore the people at your peril.

To facilitate change, here are three critical steps you must take when communicating about change.

  • ‘One-size-fits-all’ messages do not work. Tailor your communications to different groups. In this way you will win greater engagement because people will understand the change from their perspective.
  • Individuals care about what the change will mean for them. They want to understand what impact it will have on them personally. Make time for one-to-one conversations.
  • As you communicate with people, they are communicating with you. Even resistance carries an important message. Learn from people’s questions and reactions. Adapt and flex.

Whether you’re still fully ensconced in vacation mode, or your focus has already moved towards the rest of the year, keep these three tips in mind whatever changes you will lead in the months ahead. They’ll make it easier for everyone involved.

Have a great week and always remember, life will be more rewarding if you observe yourself and others with interest and learning, not with criticism and judgement.

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