How to Change the Way You Communicate – and Make It Stick

By Heather Campbell

By Heather Campbell >>

Even with the best of intentions, leaders who want to change the way they communicate can find they quickly revert to old habits. This isn’t surprising given that most of these habits have been developing since we were babies. That’s a long time to embed habits that we find are less than effective once we get into leadership roles!

To help leaders make changes to the way they communicate that will stick long-term, CommsMasters’ programmes are usually run over a number of months. Our flagship programme, The Master Communicator, takes around eight months to complete.

On top of that, another thing we have found adds great value in terms of helping managers bring about deep and effective change is undertaking a period of formal study. Managers participating in most of our programmes have the opportunity to complete a post-graduate Certificate alongside the workshops and coaching we provide. The Certificate is awarded by the Edinburgh Institute of Leadership & Management Practice at Napier University, and is one of the university’s Management in Practice modules.

One of the latest alumni, Dr. Derek Boyd, Chief Executive of NMI, says:

“The post-graduate Certificate in Management in Practice provides the opportunity to cement learning from the Master Communicator Programme into a significant workplace challenge. The academic rigour requires a review and application of relevant literature which enhanced my awareness of the depth of material available to support learning and, through implementation in my project, helped develop my leadership, communication and influence.”

While many managers baulk at undertaking an academic study route, the approach offered through the university focusses on practical application of learning – this isn’t simply about demonstrating academic prowess, although that is part of it. Far more important is that leaders undertaking the qualification demonstrate that they have achieved better results because they are communicating differently.

So, from us here at CommsMasters, congratulations to our latest group of leaders who have successfully completed the Certificate. Well done – and we look forward to seeing you on the Diploma programme…

And to those of you would like to build your impact as leaders in your organisation, or maybe wish to polish up those CVs , we’d encourage you to consider exploring the way you communicate as a leader – find out more about the Master Communicator and its associated academic qualifications here.


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